Contributing to ofxtools

To start hacking on the source, see the section entitled “Developer’s installation” under Installing ofxtools.

Make sure your changes haven’t broken anything by running the tests:

python `which nosetests` -dsv  --with-coverage --cover-package ofxtools

Or even better, use make:

make test

After running one of the above commands, you can view a report of which parts of the code aren’t covered by tests:

coverage report -m

Poke around in the Makefile; there’s a few developer-friendly commands there.

Feel free to create pull requests on ofxtools repository on GitHub.

If you commit working tests for your code, you’ll be my favorite person.

Adding New OFX Messages

As an example, I’ll document the implementation of bank fund transfers.

Download a copy of the OFXv2.03 spec. The messages we want to implement are located in Section 11.7. Since these messages appear in the hierarchy under BANKMSGSETV1, we’ll put them under

Request and Response

In order to implement INTRARQ (the command clients use to request a funds transfer) we’ll first need to define any aggregates it refers to - in this case, XFERINFO.


Here’s how we translate the spec info Python.

from ofxtools.models.base import Aggregate, SubAggregate
from ofxtools.Types import String, Decimal, DateTime, OneOf
from import (

class XFERINFO(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section 11.3.5 """

    bankacctfrom = SubAggregate(BANKACCTFROM)
    ccacctfrom = SubAggregate(CCACCTFROM)
    bankacctto = SubAggregate(BANKACCTTO)
    ccacctto = SubAggregate(CCACCTTO)
    trnamt = Decimal(required=True)
    dtdue = DateTime()

    requiredMutexes = [
        ["bankacctfrom", "ccacctfrom"],
        ["bankacctto", "ccacctto"],

We create a subclass of ofxtools.models.base.Aggregate, where the class name is the OFX tag in ALL CAPS. We define a class attribute for each tag that can appear under XFERINFO - the attribute names must be all lowercase.

Container aggregates are defined with ofx.models.base.SubAggregate; pass in the relevant model class.

Data-bearing elements are defined as a subclass of ofxtools.Types.Element - Decimal for TRNAMT and DateTime for DTDUE, as indicated by the spec. The spec prints TRNAMT in bold, which means it is required. This constraint is enforced simply by passing required=True to the attribute definition.

The spec also states that either BANKACCTFROM or CCACCTFROM must appear in XFERINFO, as well as either BANKACCTTO or CCACCTTO. We can’t simply pass in required=True to the relevant class attributes - that would require all of them to appear in any valid XFERINFO instance, which is clearly not right. Instead of attribute-level validation, these kinds of class-level constraints are enforced by separate class attributes.

In this case, we employ the awkwardly-named ofxtools.models.base.Aggregate.requiredMutexes, which requires that exactly one of each sequence of attribute names must be passed to Aggregate.__init__(). Note the lower-case naming.

With XFERINFO in hand, defining the request aggregate (INTRARQ) is simple.

class INTRARQ(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section """

    xferinfo = SubAggregate(INTRARQ, required=True)

Now we we move on to the corresponding server response aggregate (INTRARS). INTRARS contains a new subaggregate (XFERPRCSTS) for the server to indicate transfer status; we’ll need to implement that first so that INTRARS can refer to it. Here’s the spec.


The XFERPRCCODE element only allows specifically enumerated values. Our validator type for that is ofxtools.Types.OneOf.

class XFERPRCSTS(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section 11.3.6 """

    xferprccode = OneOf("WILLPROCESSON", "POSTEDON", "NOFUNDSON",
                        "CANCELEDON", "FAILEDON", required=True)
    dtxferprc = DateTime(required=True)

Having XFERPRCSTS, we can define the response aggregate.


This features a new kind of constraint. While DTXFERPRJ and DTPOSTED are mutually exclusive, the absence of boldface type indicates that it’s valid to omit them both, which means we can’t use Aggregate.requiredMutexes as we did for XFERINFO above.

Instead we express this class-level constraint via Aggregate.optionalMutexes, again using lower-cae attribute names within.

from ofxtools.models.i18n import CURRENCY_CODES

class INTRARS(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section """

    curdef = OneOf(*CURRENCY_CODES, required=True)
    srvrtid = String(10, required=True)
    xferinfo = SubAggregate(XFERINFO, required=True)
    dtxferprj = DateTime()
    dtposted = DateTime()
    recsrvrtid = String(10)
    xferprcsts = SubAggregate(XFERPRCSTS)

    optionalMutexes = [
        ["dtxferprj", "dtposted"],

The definition of currsymbol type refers to the three-letter currency codes in ISO-4217. Happily we’ve already defined them in ofxtools.models.i18n.

Also note the ofxtools.Types.String validator; it takes an (optional) length argument of type int.

n addition to creating account transfers with INTRARQ, there are also messages for clients to modify or cancel existing transfer requests. We’ll just bang these out.

class INTRAMODRQ(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section """

    srvrtid = String(10, required=True)
    xferinfo = SubAggregate(XFERINFO, required=True)
class INTRAMODRS(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section """

    srvrtid = String(10, required=True)
    xferinfo = SubAggregate(XFERINFO, required=True)
    xferprcsts = SubAggregate(XFERPRCSTS)
class INTRACANRQ(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section """

    srvrtid = String(10, required=True)
class INTRACANRS(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section """

    srvrtid = String(10, required=True)

Those are all the basic funds transfer commads, but we’re not quite done yet. Every request or response in OFX is transmitted in a transaction wrapper bearing a unique identifier, The structure of these wrappers is laid out in Section of the OFX spec.


This commonly-repeated pattern is factored out in ofxtools.models.wrapperbases as base classes for the various *TRNRQ / *TRNRS classes to inherit.

class TrnRq(Aggregate):
    trnuid = String(36, required=True)
    cltcookie = String(32)
    tan = String(80)

class TrnRs(Aggregate):
    trnuid = String(36, required=True)
    status = SubAggregate(STATUS, required=True)
    cltcookie = String(32)

Using these base classes, we just need to add attributes for each type of request/response they can wrap, along with class-level constraints enforcing the choice of a single wrapped entity.

Note that *TRNRQ wrappers must contain a request, while the spec allows empty *TRNRS wrappers, so we set requiredMutexes and optionalMutexes respectively.

from ofxtools.models.wrapperbases import TrnRq, TrnRs

class INTRATRNRQ(TrnRq):
    """ OFX section """

    intrarq = SubAggregate(STMTRQ)
    intramodrq = SubAggregate(INTRAMODRQ)
    intracanrq = SubAggregate(INTRACANRQ)

    requiredMutexes = [
        ["intrarq", "intramodrq", "intracanrq"],

class INTRATRNRS(TrnRs):
    """ OFX section """

    intrars = SubAggregate(INTRARS)
    intramodrs = SubAggregate(INTRAMODRS)
    intracanrs = SubAggregate(INTRACANRS)

    optionalMutexes = [

Recurring Requests

In addition to one-time fund transfer requests, a bit further down the spec also details messages for creating, modifying, and canceling recurring funds transfers. This just repeats the pattern of INTRARQ and INTRARS.

class RECINTRARQ(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section """

    recurrinst = SubAggregate(RECURRINST, required=True)
    intrarq = SubAggregate(INTRARQ, required=True)
class RECINTRARS(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section """

    recsrvrtid = String(10, required=True)
    recurrinst = SubAggregate(RECURRINST, required=True)
    intrars = SubAggregate(INTRARS, required=True)
class RECINTRAMODRQ(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section """

    recsrvrtid = String(10, required=True)
    recurrinst = SubAggregate(RECURRINST, required=True)
    intrarq = SubAggregate(INTRARQ, required=True)
    modpending = Bool(required=True)
class RECINTRAMODRS(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section """

    recsrvrtid = String(10, required=True)
    recurrinst = SubAggregate(RECURRINST, required=True)
    intrars = SubAggregate(INTRARS, required=True)
    modpending = Bool(required=True)
class RECINTRACANRQ(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section """

    recsrvrtid = String(10, required=True)
    canpending = Bool(required=True)
class RECINTRACANRS(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section """

    recsrvrtid = String(10, required=True)
    canpending = Bool(required=True)
    """ OFX section """

    recintrarq = SubAggregate(RECINTRARQ)
    recintramodrq = SubAggregate(RECINTRAMODRQ)
    recintracanrq = SubAggregate(RECINTRACANRQ)

    requiredMutexes = [
        ["recintrarq", "recintramodrq", "recintracanrq"],
    """ OFX section """

    recintrars = SubAggregate(RECINTRARS)
    recintramodrs = SubAggregate(RECINTRAMODRS)
    recintracanrs = SubAggregate(RECINTRACANRS)

    optionalMutexes = [
        ["recintrars", "recintramodrs", "recintracanrs"],


Besides commands to perform funds transfers, the OFX spec also defines messages for downloading funds transfer activity. The synchronization protocol and its messages are detailed in a different chapter of the spec - Section 11.12.2.

_images/intrasyncrq.png _images/intrasyncrs.png

The requirement that each *SYNCRQ / *SYNCRS may contain a variable number of transaction wrappers means that we can’t define these wrappers with SubAggregate, which maps every child element to a single class attribute.

Contained aggregates that are allowed to appear more than once are instead defined with a validator of type ListAggregate, and accessed via the Python list API. Unique children are defined in the usual manner, and accessed as instance attributes.

Here’s how it looks in

from ofxtools.Type import ListAggregate
from ofxtools.Types import Bool

class INTRASYNCRQ(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section """
    token = String(10)
    tokenonly = Bool()
    refresh = Bool()
    rejectifmissing = Bool(required=True)
    bankacctfrom = SubAggregate(BANKACCTFROM)
    ccacctfrom = SubAggregate(CCACCTFROM)
    intratrnrq = ListAggregate(INTRATRNRQ)

    requiredMutexes = [
        ["token", "tokenonly", "refresh"],
        ["bankacctfrom", "ccacctfrom"]

class INTRASYNCRS(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section """
    token = String(10, required=True)
    lostsync = Bool()
    bankacctfrom = SubAggregate(BANKACCTFROM)
    ccacctfrom = SubAggregate(CCACCTFROM)
    intratrnrs = ListAggregate(INTRATRNRS)

    requiredMutexes = [
        ["bankacctfrom", "ccacctfrom"],

class RECINTRASYNCRQ(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section """

    token = String(10)
    tokenonly = Bool()
    refresh = Bool()
    rejectifmissing = Bool(required=True)
    bankacctfrom = SubAggregate(BANKACCTFROM)
    ccacctfrom = SubAggregate(CCACCTFROM)
    recintratrnrq = ListAggregate(RECINTRATRNRQ)

    requiredMutexes = [
        ["token", "tokenonly", "refresh"],
        ["bankacctfrom", "ccacctfrom"],

class RECINTRASYNCRS(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section """

    token = String(10, required=True)
    lostsync = Bool()
    bankacctfrom = SubAggregate(BANKACCTFROM)
    ccacctfrom = SubAggregate(CCACCTFROM)
    recintratrnrs = ListAggregate(RECINTRATRNRS)

    requiredMutexes = [
        ["bankacctfrom", "ccacctfrom"],

Extending the Message Set

We have defined the funds transfer service, but we still need to add it to the banking message set (the top-level wrappers). We need to edit the relevant classes in ofxtools.models.msgsets.

class BANKMSGSRQV1(List):
    """ OFX section """

    intratrnrq = ListAggregate(INTRATRNRQ)
    recintratrnrq = ListAggregate(RECINTRATRNRQ)
    intrasyncrq = ListAggregate(INTRASYNCRQ)
    recintrasyncrq = ListAggregate(RECINTRASYNCRQ)

class BANKMSGSRSV1(List):
    """ OFX section """

    intratrnrs = ListAggregate(INTRATRNRS)
    recintratrnrs = ListAggregate(RECINTRATRNRS)
    intrasyncrs = ListAggregate(INTRASYNCRS)
    recintrasyncrs = ListAggregate(RECINTRASYNCRS)

Then we need to define the funds transfer profile.

class XFERPROF(ElementList):
    """ OFX section """

    procdaysoff = ListElement(OneOf(*DAYS))
    procendtm = Time(required=True)
    cansched = Bool(required=True)
    canrecur = Bool(required=True)
    canmodxfer = Bool(required=True)
    canmodmdls = Bool(required=True)
    modelwnd = Integer(3, required=True)
    dayswith = Integer(3, required=True)
    dfltdaystopay = Integer(3, required=True)

Finally, we add the funds transfer profile to the message set.

class BANKMSGSETV1(Aggregate):
    """ OFX section """

    xferprof = SubAggregate(XFERPROF)

All done!