.. sqlalchemy: Using ``ofxtools`` with SQL =========================== As of version 0.7, ``ofxtools`` no longer includes the ``ofxalchemy`` subpackage. The nature of its fundamental architectural flaw is well expressed by this quote from a `moderately reputable source`_: SQLAlchemy supports class inheritance mapped to databases but it's not really something that scales well to deep hierarchies. You can actually stretch this a lot by emphasizing single-table inheritance so that you aren't hobbled with dozens of joins, but this seems like it is still a very deep hierarchy even for that approach. What you need to do here is forget about your whole class hierarchy, and first design the database schema. You want to persist this data in a relational database. How? What do the tables look like? For any non-trivial application, this is where you need to design things from. OFX is a poor fit for a relational data model, as is obvious to anyone who's tried to work with its handling of online bill payees or securities reorganizations. You don't really want to map that mess directly onto your database tables... the heart of any ORM-based application. A better approach is to decouple your SQL data model from OFX, which will also allow you better to handle other financial data formats. It's recommended to define your own ORM models based on your needs. Import OFX into Python using the main ``ofxtools.Parser.OFXTree`` parser, extract the relevant data, and feed it to your model classes. Something like this: .. code:: python from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy import ( Column, Integer, String, Text, DateTime, Numeric, ForeignKey, Enum, ) from sqlalchemy.orm import (relationship, sessionmaker, ) from sqlalchemy import create_engine from ofxtools.models.i18n import CURRENCY_CODES from ofxtools.Client import (OFXClient, InvStmtRq, ) from ofxtools.Parser import OFXTree from ofxtools.models.investment import (BUYSTOCK, SELLSTOCK) # Data model Base = declarative_base() class Account(Base): id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) brokerid = Column(String, nullable=False, unique=True) number = Column(String, nullable=False) name = Column(String) class Security(Base): id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) ticker = Column(String) uniqueidtype = Column(String, nullable=False) uniqueid = Column(String, nullable=False) class Transaction(Base): id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) uniqueid = Column(String, nullable=False, unique=True) datetime = Column(DateTime, nullable=False) dtsettle = Column(DateTime) type = Column(Enum('returnofcapital', 'split', 'spinoff', 'transfer', 'trade', 'exercise', name='transaction_type'), nullable=False) memo = Column(Text) currency = Column(Enum(*CURRENCY_CODES, name='transaction_currency')) cash = Column(Numeric) account_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('account.id', onupdate='CASCADE'), nullable=False) account = relationship('Account', foreign_keys=[account_id], backref='transactions') security_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('security.id', onupdate='CASCADE'), nullable=False) security = relationship('Security', foreign_keys=[security_id], backref='transactions') units = Column(Numeric) # Import client = OFXClient('https://ofxs.ameritrade.com/cgi-bin/apps/OFX', org='Ameritrade Technology Group', fid='AIS', brokerid='ameritrade.com') stmtrq = InvStmtRq(acctid='999999999') response = client.request_statements(user='elmerfudd', password='T0PS3CR3T', invstmtrqs=[stmtrq]) parser = OFXTree() parser.parse(response) ofx = parser.convert() # Extract def make_security(secinfo): return Security( name=secinfo.secname, ticker=secinfo.ticker, uniqueidtype=secinfo.uniqueidtype, uniqueid=secinfo.uniqueid) securities = {(sec.uniqueidtype, sec.uniqueid): make_security(sec) for sec in ofx.securities} stmt = ofx.statements[0] account = Account(brokerid=stmt.brokerid, number=stmt.acctid) def make_trade(invtran): security = securities[(invtran.uniqueidtype, invtran.uniqueid)] return Transaction( uniqueid=invtran.fitid, datetime=invtran.dttrade, dtsettle=invtran.dtsettle, type='trade', memo=invtran.memo, currency=invtran.currency, cash=invtran.total, account=account, security=security, units=invtran.units) trades = [make_trade(tx) for tx in stmt.transactions if isinstance(tx, (BUYSTOCK, SELLSTOCK))] # dispatch by model class # Persist engine = create_engine('') Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() session.add(account) session.add_all(securities.values()) session.add_all(trades) session.commit() .. _moderately reputable source: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sqlalchemy/a7xeKebSgTE/6m-qdR4BBgAJ